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Welcome to the Citra Clear lemongrass anti acne cleanser blog.

Many people suffer from acne prone skin.

Acne cleanser products can be complicated, expensive, harsh on the skin, oily or drying, generally confusing the user.

Citra Clear is an oil free lemongrass water, that cleanses the skin without leaving any oily residue, or stripping away the skin’s natural oils.

Cini Botanicals has collaborated with Sydney beauticians, to develop a gentle, 1 step, easy to use lemongrass anti acne cleanser.

Citra Clear is suitable for all skin types and is now available to the public.

We firmly believe in simplicity and would love to share the following email feedback from one of our customers to highlight this…..

” I must Citra Clear is brilliant. My 17 year old daughter has lovely skin but the occasional break out,as is the norm for her age.

She went to a beautician and the products used exacerbated the problem. After a week of using the Citra Clear the skin settled down and looks beautiful.

I have recommended Citra Clear anti acne cleanser to several friends teenage children and am actually taking some overseas for two of my daughters friends.

Well done with such a great product – and its affordable.”   G.M. ( Sydney N.S.W).

To buy Citra Clear anti acne cleanser, visit our shop.